Reformer Classes

The Reformer is one of the original Pilates apparatus created by Joseph Pilates himself. It was created to help people improve their strength, flexibility, stability, and mind-body connection. 

A  movable carriage or platform is attached to springs and rolls back and forth on wheels. The springs  provide resistance or sometimes assistance. Exercises can be completed in various positions laying down, seated or standing, pulling straps, pushing feet against the footbar. One of the best things about this piece of equipment is its versatility.

Classes are scheduled regularly and a maximum of 8 clients 

 Costs for Reformer Classes

Single Session 50-60 minute $32 per class

5 class package 50-60 minute $150 or $30 per class

10 class package 50-60 minute $250 or $25 per class

* 5% discount available to Senior's on presentation of a Senior's Card

** An initial private consult (30 or 60) may be necessary if there are any pre-existing conditions that may make it unsafe to participate. Give us a call if your uncertain at all.


Check online "Bookings" for current session availability.